Sunday 22 July 2012

Digital Hearing Aids

Digital Hearing Aids are very important for any person who is suffering from any kind of hearing impairment. There are a lot of people who suffer from this condition when they become old, butt here are also other people who suffer from this condition even at a young age because of some pathology in the hearing. There are different types of hearing loss and the digital hearing aids that are used for old age hearing loss and other kinds of hearing loss are different.

The earlier hearing devices are too cumbersome to use and to move around with. It was in 1987 when these best digital hearing aids appeared. But they were inefficient; thus, they failed to drum up interest on them. They are too bulky, need frequent recharging of battery and too sensitive to background noises. Many people only think about how much do hearing aids cost, but they are not bothered about the efficiency of the device or the features that are present in it.
There are many difefrent kinds of advancements in the creation of digital hearing aids, but like other prototype gadgets, engineers and doctor worked on them to improve the performance of these hearing aids; and the result of these are the best hearing aids possible. This hearing aid has the following added features:
Digital Feedback Reduction (DFR) - feedback sounds are nuisance to a hearing aid user. To reduce feedback from TV, radio, speakers or just plain chewing a gum, the user frequently adjust the volume of his hearing aid. But now, this is a thing of the past. Best aids now, adjust the volume automatically, depending on the sound feedback.
Digital Noise Reduction (DNR) - this technology reduces low level noises that can be very irritating to the user.
Digital Speech Enhancement (DSE) - this is an important feature of the latest and best digital aids in the market. It modulates and makes speech pattern more understandable for the user. This is the most high-end technology and most useful addition to the features of best digital hearing aids.
Buying the best digital hearing aids is very important and this can be done with the consultation of a audiologist. He will be able to tell you about the best one that suits your hearing needs.
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1 comment:

  1. Good hearing is essential to the social and intellectual development of infants and young children. A digital hearing aid involves both an audio circuit and control circuits that are fully digital. Digital hearing aids provide better sound quality than analog ones. It is the best choice. Thanks!
    Digital Hearing Devices
